The Perfect Fit

Nowadays it takes around 12 minutes and 50 seconds to produce the average pair of jeans. Well, it took us 11 hours to create our version of the ideal pair of jeans… and that was only the part of them! Here is our story of searching for a perfect behind and painting the perfect jeans on it in order to create a perfect commercial.

The perfect fit

Some guys probably think this sounds like a dream job, but, believe me, it can be exhausting to hunt for available beautiful butts, especially for several days in a row.  Had we been in California, it probably would have been much easier, but we were in Moscow. Adorable, slim Slavic girls usually do not have protuberant Brazilian shapes. Also, in the current Photoshop era, you never know what is fake and what is real. I’ve seen that Youtube video where a girl is photoshopped into a pizza. It’s a piece of cake for professionals to enlarge and smoothen body parts, so we made an offline casting with the best candidates to know for sure we had found the perfect model.

The perfect fit

The process starts with professional underwear. This garment prevented our project from an unintended transformation into nude art, something that we definitely did not want to happen. It’s a sticky pair of strapless panties, and a guarantee that our model’s underwear wouldn’t fall down. It also allowed her to use a ladies’ room throughout the process.

The perfect fit

Kate Balycheva, our incredible artist, is a professional stylist, body painter, and member of the World Bodypainting Association.

4. First, she had to make her canvas white
The perfect fit

Kate had just flown in from an international competition in Austria. Her makeup bag weighs 40 pounds, and is full of liquids, paints, and an aerograph with a compressor.

The perfect fit

There are several reasons why we used my house as a studio. First of all, my light and spacious bedroom created the perfect place for painting. Second, we had some very useful utilities right here, including a shower and a kitchen. The most important reason, however, is that the location for the shoot was on the stairs in my garden.

The perfect fit

The model’s name was also Kate, and she was also very professional. Currently, she runs her own modeling school.
The perfect fit

The perfect fit

The perfect fit

The base is ready and Kate, the one who is a body painter, asks us to take a picture of her behind so she can see where to place wrinkles and other nuances.

The perfect fit

11. Here you go, Kate!
The perfect fit

It’s important to use professional and non-allergenic paints, which some non-professional body painters neglect to do. As a result, their models often suffer from unpleasant allergic reactions. Dear makeup artists, please take proper care of your models!

The perfect fit

The perfect fit

Time for lunch. Our beautiful model can’t sit in the traditional way, as she has the beginnings of a masterpiece on her behind.

The perfect fit

15. Back to work
The perfect fit

16. Kate is sewing tiny stitches onto the jeans. It’s precise and meticulous work.
The perfect fit

The perfect fit

While the girls were busy with painting, I grabbed my colleague Sergey and asked him to pose for me on the stairs to practice the future shot.

The perfect fit

Do you know what the most exhausting part of this project was? Being the model. It is very hard to lay with your face down nonstop for several hours.

The perfect fit

The perfect fit

21. I’m trying to soothe her pain with a light massage
The perfect fit

22. Meanwhile, Kate starts to paint on the fabric structure
The perfect fit

The perfect fit

The perfect fit

The perfect fit

26. Guys, keep in mind – beautiful girls love charming bunnies
The perfect fit

27. Finishing touches

The perfect fit

The perfect fit

The perfect fit

The perfect fit

31. And then it was time for the photo shoot itself. Rain was not part of our plan, but we had to deal with it.
The perfect fit

This project was created in summer 2013 for Getwear company. The slogan for campaign was “Like Second Skin”. The company creates custom jeans using clients’ specific parameters and designs. They fit almost as a second skin, as we represented with a painted pair of jeans on Kate’s body.

The perfect fit

We published the story of this photo shoot on the famous Russian blog And it worked. The story was spread all over the world, and was rewritten into several languages. The final picture itself was on the front page of Popular Photos on for several days, which is a huge success and rarely happens. This campaign was the leader of the company’s internet promotional campaigns with a CTR of 4.36% compared with 3% for other photos and stories. It became a second symbol of Getwear aside from their logo, and every time they posted a different photo, users commented “What are you showing us? Better post that cute painted butt!”

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12 thoughts on “The Perfect Fit

  1. What an amazing project you and your team did! Congratulations! Thanks for describing the process in your blog. Keep going with your creativity and welcome to the United States.


  2. Pingback: The Resume with Rhythm and Bunnies: The True Story of Creation | Irina Vasilevitskaya

  3. That is amazing! One of my (web design) clients was a college teaching, among other things, makeup. You could teach them a thing or two, for sure!

    I’ll bet that, had you finished up the front as well and sent her on a stroll in the streets, no one would have realized the jeans were painted on.

    Liked by 1 person

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